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This is me. The good, the bad, the ugly...the normal.


Hello!  I wanted to have this chance to share a little bit more about me personally.  I'm 36 years old, I am LDS, and I live in a quiet and peaceful town nestled at the base of the Rockies in Northern Utah.  I want people to see I'm just an average individual with an average life who wanted to take a chance to better her circumstances for her family.


First and foremost I'm a mother to two beautiful children, a son and a daughter.  My son was born with AMC (Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita), a very rare connective tissue disorder that means he has contractures of the joints of his feet and ankles, wrists and fingers, knees, neck and shoulders, and drastically decreased musculature throughout his body.  He was also born with bilateral clubfeet (a common secondary defect with AMC) and just recently he's started to develop scoliosis.  But none of this has slowed him down!  While doctors told me he'd likely never walk, he was walking unassisted (but for small leg braces) before he turned 2.5 and now he plays soccer and only wears braces intermittently at nights to keep him stretched.  He's the focal point of a lot of my inspiration.


His little sister was born 4.5 years after him, having not inherited his conditions, and then life threw us a massive curve when my husband at the time unexpectedly filed for divorce when she was just 6 weeks old.  I took it one day at a time from there, getting back into the workforce, finding my little family a 3 bedroom townhome, and supporting us by myself working full time in recruitment for an outsourcing sales and marketing company with my mother watching them while I worked.  For 3.5 years I was a single mom with 2 children, making just a few dollars over minimum wage.  Then life threw another curve.

I met a man online (yes, I'm all of a sudden one of 'those' people, lol) and we started dating.  He eventually met my children (personally I think he fell in love with them more than me!), and in the Fall of 2016 we married.  He loves my kids as his own, though he had none himself and has never married, but he took a chance and we've each truly found our soulmate in the other.


That is what I'm hoping people who visit my page might be inspired to do...take a chance.  I did.  And I'm no one special.  I just wanted something special, so I went for it.

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